Read the short descriptions of the characters from the novel, Living With the Invisible Ones - The Story of Aine and Roisin by Wistaria Evelina MacTully.
The Humans
Aine (awn-yah): Mother to Roisin, wife to Lachlan. Comes from a line of Seers but supressed the gifts to survive living in a mundane world where different people go missing, or are heavily medicated or are lobotomized. Women in her family that has the gift, have red hair. Aine's long locks is of a Cherry Copper Red.
Roisin (ROW-sheen): Daughter of Aine and Lachlan. Is a young girl that shows great potential for being a very strong Seer as she is cunning and knowing. Her shoulder length hair is the same color as her mother's. Roisin's eyes change color, they are not hazel. Hazel is different, as they have specks of colors and reflect different colors. Color changing eyes do not have specks of different pigmenation, they change completely into a solid color.
Laoise (lee-sha): Laoise is the unsung hero of this story. Laoise is an older woman, in her fifties. Laoise travels from the seacoast to help Aine with the dead people in her house.
Lachlan: Husband to Aine, father to Roisin. He is not afraid to be emotional. He cries alot over the loss of his family. He never gives up trying to rescue his wife and daughter. His body is fit as his job requires him to manage his way in the wild on long treks to do wildlife research. He has dark hair and is said to be handsome.
Chief Thompson: Mr. Thompson is 75 and after this ordeal he is finally ready to retire and read his book collection. His voice and mannerisms resembles that of the actor, Barry Corbin when he played Brenda's father on the tv series The Closer.
Deputy Jennifer Mason: She is of African ancestry, of mid-thirty. Jennifer is married to Victoria Martell. She has spunk, likes to prank her wife and is not afraid to take charge. Her character is a blend of Leslie Jones and Tati Gabrielle, serious, fun, intelligent.
Lieutenant Marquis Gorges: He a 30 years old single Latino man. He likes mysteries. Marquis is a bit of a cynic. He wants to be everyone's friend.
Angelina Lang: She is an heiress. A woman of mid-twenty. She is down to earth and kind of rejects being rich. Angelina hates the spotlight and prefers to be alone or just with a few people to feel close with. Her character should remind you of Julia Roberts.
Doctor Victoria Martell: She is married to Jennifer Mason. Victoria is of Pakistani/Indian/Anglo ancestry. Victoria works at the local hospital. She too is in her mid-thirties.
Jane Ionn: She's a new resident of Tarlostone. Jane is 28 years old. She is an astronomer. Jane is of Greek/Basque ancestry.
Nathaniel: He is a ghost that lives in the M'Nele house and helps to rescue Aine and Roisin. If you want to know his story, you will have to read the book.
The Extraterrestrials
Braze: The leader that never wanted to lead is not the devil that you thought thou was when the character was first introduced as the intruder of the M'Nele house.
Volo: A fun character that wants it all but knows thy age, and had lived a great life. John Leguizamo would play the character well if there was to ever be a movie. ;-)
Gree: A shy character that longs for more, but still wants quietness.
Ashka: This beauty is the hero of thy people.
Iannastarkis (iyAAN-AH-stär-k-ee-z): She is an ancient one. Iannastarkis is the only blonde in my story. She is from the last of the original line of the exploring extraterrestrials to be born on Earth so very long ago. She is a surprise character and if you want to know more, you are going to have to read the novel. ;-p
Originally published post on September 8, 2022